By harnessing the power of data to conquer major public health challenges, we are key players for the fundamental data transition for the hospital, a much needed yet challenging and complex transformation.We are actively contributing to a sustainable, high-performance data transition that is proven to be fundamental for the entire healthcare system. We are committed to overcoming the inaccessibility of siloed data, by helping hospitals managing their data from end to end: in its collection, harmonization, storage and valorization. By building up this protective vault, we call for hospital sovereignty. Advocating for sovereignty means considering that hospitals can and must be in a position to control their data. Our mission is to propel them so they can become the driving force at stake in data collection, key players in its standardization and entirely capable of reusing it to its full potential.We advocate for the sovereignty of hospitals as to their data management. Breaking down the “communication barrier” when it comes to data is our priority. Today all health data is spread across a galaxy of different software suppliers that simply “don't talk to each other”, with a dreadful lack of data quality, which makes any form of data re-use unthinkable. The lack of infrastructure to homogenize this data creates colossal costs for IT in hospitals today, as well as the ever so often laborious and time-consuming manual data work. This slows down the work of care teams, hampers medical research, complicates the management of healthcare facilities, and ultimately harms patients. We work our way to promote an interoperability framework that is fundamental to the healthcare system harmonization. Our modern data management framework places us across the entire data value chain, from data collection to data harmonization. Our modern, transparent and secure data architectures make data available for secondary use. We easen up research with tools that are designed to be useful and intuitive.We advocate for a transparent and innovative use of the powerful open-source technologies we hand to the hospital teams.